Recording the everyday during this stay at home period, looking closely at things in and around the home and garden, and noticing the extra-ordinary through the lens.

Tony’s photographs –  “The cloud fascinated me with  the top part I have never seen a cloud do that before… The other picture is a part of my fence… Every day the sun shines I get what looks like two weird eyes looking back at in my front room”.

Heather’s photos – taken before lock-down but capturing some great shots of Leeds…

“This sculpture was outside the Art Gallery and seems to be looking up in the hope of finding some sunshine”..

“The shape of this building intrigues me.  This was taken when I walked to the Parkinson Building to the Skippko ‘Women’s event’ ”

“I liked the curved shape – part of the gate at Trinity near Trinity Church”

“The horse at Trinity from a different angle”


We look forward to receiving and posting more images as they come in….