Teacup Tales

‘Teacup Tales’ is a Skippko project that will run during the Winter of 2023, from Dec 23 to April 24. The focus of the project is creative activities for the darker nights, wellbeing, and social connection.
Participants will be asked to share stories and decorate a teacup and saucer with their thoughts about ‘tea’. This could be a tea poem, a tea fact, tea remedies, or about stories that are told over a cup of tea with friends etc….
Skippko artists, Rozi and Matthew, will support people to come up with ideas, and on using the materials. All materials will be provided at no cost and will be delivered to people’s home.
We will be running a zoom ‘introduction’ session on 8 January 11am.
Everyone will be invited to bring their decorated cups and saucers to a tea tasting, tarot and storytelling event on 17 April 24 10.30 – 12.30 at Skippko’s space in Holbeck, or if you can’t make in person, a sharing session on zoom on 17 April at 2pm. Transport can be provided to attend the event.
see https://skippko.org.uk/sharing-teacup-tales/ for an update on the fabulous results…
‘Teacup Tales’ is one of Skippko’s ‘Home from Home’ projects, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.
Contact Details: Cath Brooke cath.skippko@gmail.com 0113 2345355
Skippko Arts Team, 42 Barkston House, Croydon Street, Leeds LS11 9RT.