Shutter Stories – colour, pattern and texture of home

Shutter Stories second brief was to create a ‘triptych’ that tells the story of home, working with artists Nicki and Sally.
We asked everyone to take 3 photographs that captured ‘A pattern of home, a texture of home and a colour of home’.
It’s so exciting to see how everyone has interpreted the brief in so many different ways – these amazing photographs are the results of that exploration.
Home for me is more than bricks and mortar.
I’ve called this triptych “Home is where the heart is”
‘A lovely interpretation of the brief Mary – illustrating wonderfully how our loved ones can be integral to making home home, a very thoughtful and poignant triptych for this brief’ Nicki and Sally
Jo C
It is a guide dog collecting dog, something I have done for 25 years, we have 2 guide dogs in the family.
Christmas Triptych
Afternoon Tea
The rich red colours compliment each other and feel comforting in the afternoon sun. If you look closely you may find my shadow in one of the baubles.
Christmas Tree Decoration
I made this colourful Christmas decoration. Its curved shapes have been enlarged and enhanced by the shadows behind.
My sister gave me this outside Christmas tree complete with decorations. The red bauble stands out against the first heavy fall of snow in January.
The triptych is a tribute to 3 much-loved (& missed) women in my life – my nana, and my mum & auntie. Nana taught me how to crochet, mum to knit, and my auntie to sew.
The green & the gold
Just a glass full of cod liver oil capsules placed on a green cloth with light shining through makes a colourful and intriguing image.
‘A great exploration of food for your triptych Ian! The kitchen is often the hub of the house and food is definitely playing a focal point for us all in lockdown. This is a playful and inventive way of exploring the brief, well done’! Nicki and Sally
A tasty salad
Food has so many colours and textures and they say we eat with our eyes don’t they! Does looking at this photo make you feel hungry?
A pyramid of tins
The tins are balanced precariously on each other’s shoulders like acrobats in a circus. Will they fall I wonder?
Theme: can never turn the sound down in this house. Life was never meant to be straight forward but for some more complex. Not only the dogs have barriers to face. Sometimes you can feel the door is shut to your family, even after you’ve shopped around for the things you need.
‘Very strong, thought provoking photos, all to do with barriers. The speaker behind the gate is so clever and well thought out. You have managed to convey a very powerful message in your fantastic triptych. Well done Elaine! Nicki and Sally
3 photographs using white Balance and the Kelvin Scale – no editing carried out.
Screw Towers – Golden Hour taken with White balance at 10000.
Screw Towers – Blue Hour taken with White balance at 2500
Screw Towers – day time taken with White balance at 5800
Click the link below for a short video Valerie has made of her photographs