Gabrielle Hamilton

I spent some years working in the third sector in Leeds in Supported Housing Services before transferring to the Heritage Sector, heading up the Community Engagement Team for Leeds Museums and Galleries.
Funded by ACE (Arts Council England) our role was to connect people to arts and culture within the city, providing a platform for them to share their stories, explore and reinterpret our collections and contribute to our growing archive of contemporary Leeds history.
I first came across SKIPPKO in my time at Leeds Museums and Galleries and found their collaborative and community focused approach chimed with our ethos. Providing opportunities for individuals and communities to come together to explore their creativity, develop new or rediscover existing skills and socialise in safe and welcoming spaces.
Since I retired I have been delighted to be offered the chance as a Trustee to work alongside everybody at SKIPPKO, to share our knowledge and experience. I am committed to exploring different ways in which involvement in the creative arts enhances people’s health and wellbeing.